Typical products of Gaeta
The city of Gaeta is rich in culinary traditions, traditions related to fishing and agriculture that for centuries have a Gulf of interchange of products for the entire Tyrrhenian Sea and the Mediterranean.
Gaeta is known for the variety and goodness of its typical products that are increasingly exported and used in kitchens throughout Italy and the world.
Below we list the most important typical products related to the land and the tradition of the city:
Products of the earth: Gaeta olives, Spagnoletta, Puntarella, Broccoli, Scarola…
Fish: Calamarelle, Octopus, Anchovies, Sardines, Blue Fish, Mussels…
Handmade Products: Olive Oil of Gaeta, Tiella (Octopus, Spinach, Scarola), Salted anchovies…
Recipes: Tiella, Fish with water Crazy, Calamari with plate, Cuttlefish and potatoes, Anchovies in oil, Fish balls, Caniscione, Impepata of Mussels, Anchovies in Tortiera, Sciusciella, Roccocò, Susamielli, Mostaccioli stuffed …